

  • Knowledge list optimization: Reasonable categorization of document types for separate maintenance and management;

  • Copy docs from other bots: Support copying unavailable docs from bots in the same org to current bot as knowledge docs. Does not consume credits;


  • Improved UI;

  • Added support for .doc format;

  • Increased pdf size limit to 30MB;

  • Support URLs as doc sources;

  • Support custom slicing, including "slice by token count" and "slice by identifiers", with slice preview;

Excel File

  • Support .csv, .xls, .xlsx formats;

  • Support custom slicing, allowing multi-row headers, with slice preview;


  • Improved UI;

  • Support custom slicing, including "slice by token count" and "slice by identifiers", with slice preview;


  • Improved UI;

  • Added support for dynamic website content identification as knowledge docs;

  • Support custom slicing, including "slice by token count" and "slice by identifiers", with slice preview;


  • Improved UI;

  • Added support for Q&A data import via templates;

  • Added support for converting docs to Q&A. System performs reading comprehension via LLM to generate Q&A pairs;

  • Added support for slice preview;

Vector Management

  • Added support for slice editing, with tailored editing UX for text, spreadsheet and Q&A slice formats;

Bot Config

Knowledge Settings

  • Added support for "sparse vector + dense vector" hybrid retrieval to improve slice recall accuracy;


Knowledge Vectors

  • Added support for "sparse vector + dense vector" hybrid retrieval to improve slice recall accuracy;

Last updated